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How to Change Utility Knife Blade

Apr. 23, 2023

Utility knives are indispensable for anyone involved in DIY projects or construction work. Utility knives versatile and can be used for various purposes, such as cutting cardboard, opening boxes, trimming carpets, etc. However, over time, the utility knife blade can become dull or damaged, making it less effective and more dangerous to use. Therefore, it's important to know how to change the blade of a utility knife to keep it in top condition.

How to Change Utility Knife Blade

Why Change a Utility Knife?

A utility knife blade can become dull or damaged over time, making it less effective and hazardous. A dull blade requires more pressure to make a cut, which can cause the knife to slip and increase the risk of accidents. Additionally, a damaged blade can leave rough edges or tear the material, leading to an uneven or inaccurate cut. Therefore, replacing the blade of a utility knife is essential to maintain its functionality and ensure the user's safety. For your utility knife needs, check out Probuilt utility knives, our utility knives are built to last, with durable materials and rugged designs that can handle even the toughest cutting tasks.

How to Use a Utility Knife

A utility knife typically consists of a handle and a retractable blade. The blade can be extended and retracted by pressing a button or sliding a mechanism on the handle. To use a utility knife, hold the handle firmly in your hand and use the blade to make precise cuts by applying pressure to the material you are cutting. It's essential to keep the blade sharp to ensure the cleanest cuts and prevent damage to the material.

How to Change a Utility Knife Blade

Replacing the blade of a utility knife is a straightforward process that requires only a few simple steps. Here's a step-by-step guide to changing a utility knife blade:

Step 1: Retract the blade fully and lock it to prevent accidents.

Step 2: If your knife has screws holding the blade in place, use a screwdriver to remove them.

Step 3: Carefully remove the old blade from the handle and dispose of it properly.

Step 4: Insert the new blade into the handle, ensuring it's secure.

Step 5: If your knife has screws holding the blade, use the screwdriver to change the screws.

Step 6: Test the new blade to ensure it's properly installed and working.

How to Change Utility Knife Blade


Knowing how to change the blade of a utility knife is an essential skill for anyone who works with tools. Following the steps outlined above, you can keep your utility knife in top condition and ensure it's always ready for your next project. Remember to follow the manufacturer's instructions and use caution to prevent accidents while replacing the blade. A sharp blade can make your cutting tasks more comfortable and accurate and improve your productivity while keeping you safe. Invest in Probuilt utility knives for a reliable and versatile cutting tool that you can use for years to come.